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Personal Real Estate Corporation

Market REports

June 2024 Market Stats

Posted on Jul 07, 2024

As we head into summer, we note a continued trend in 2024 showcasing a reduced number of sales and an increased number of listings when compared to the stats of June 2023. The interesting marker is the relatively stable New Listings category which indicates that the abundance of listings on the market are those that have not sold and remain availab...

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May 2024 Market Stats

Posted on Jun 16, 2024

Springing into June, we welcome a surge of the real estate market as we experience a continuation of the listing heavy environment. On average, we are seeing a 50.3% increase in inventory of listings in May of 2024 compared to May of 2023 and buyers will benefit in this climate. The days to sell is ranging from 40 - 65 days however condo style prop...

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April 2024 Market Stats

Posted on May 13, 2024

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March 2024 Market Stats

Posted on Apr 09, 2024

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February 2024 Market Stats

Posted on Mar 08, 2024

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